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Preparing for the IMAT exam can be an intense and stressful experience, especially when it comes to managing your time effectively. As someone who has taught hundreds of students preparing for the IMAT, I know first-hand just how crucial effective time management can be in achieving success on this challenging test.

In this article, I’ll be sharing with you some of the most effective time management strategies and tips that I’ve learned over the years of teaching students for the IMAT exam. These techniques are designed to help you make the most of your time on the 2023 IMAT exam, so you can approach the exam with confidence and achieve your best possible score.

IMAT Strategy Most Important Points
IMAT Strategy Most Important Points

Whether you’re a seasoned test-taker or a first-time IMAT examinee, you’ll find valuable insights and advice in this article to help you navigate the exam day and make the most of your time. From understanding the format of the exam to developing a study plan, and from staying focused during the test to managing your time wisely, these time management techniques can help you approach the IMAT in the right way and maximize your chances of success.

So if you’re ready to take your IMAT preparation to the next level, read on for the best tips and strategies for effective time management on the 2023 IMAT exam.

“Dissecting” the IMAT Exam

In order to tackle the IMAT exam effectively, it’s important not to view it as a single, overwhelming 100-minute chunk of questions. Instead, you should “dissect” the exam into smaller, more manageable stages. As someone who has helped many students prepare for the IMAT, I recommend breaking the exam into three main parts.

The first part is the first 20 minutes of the exam, when you’re likely to be the most excited and stressed. During this time, it’s important to do something that will prove to yourself that you can do it. I suggest starting with shorter, very easy questions to build your confidence and get into the flow of the exam.

The second step is the later 40 minutes of the exam. By this time, you should have already solved all of the easy questions from biology and chemistry. Now you can focus on the logic and problem-solving questions, as well as a few general knowledge questions.

During the final 40 minutes of the exam, you should go back to biology and chemistry and try to solve the questions you couldn’t answer during the previous stages. Focus on questions that you were almost able to solve, as well as any long questions that you skipped. If you have time, you can also try to score some points from math and physics, and review the science section for any last-minute errors.

By dissecting the IMAT exam into smaller stages and following this approach, you can make the most of your time and maximize your chances of success. So, take a deep breath, stay focused, and approach the exam one step at a time.

here’s a table that breaks down the steps for approaching the IMAT exam in stages:

Exam StageTimeframeStrategy
1First 20 minutesSolve shorter, very easy questions to build confidence and get into the flow of the exam.
2Next 40 minutesFocus on logic and problem-solving questions, as well as a few general knowledge questions.
3Remaining timeGo back to biology and chemistry, and solve the questions you couldn’t answer during the previous stages. Focus on questions you were almost able to solve, as well as any long questions that you skipped. If you have time, you can also try to score some points from math and physics.
4Final 10 minutesReview the science section for any last-minute errors and try to solve any logic questions you couldn’t solve earlier.
approaching the IMAT exam in stages

By following this breakdown, you can manage your time effectively and approach the IMAT exam with confidence. Remember to stay calm, focused, and take one step at a time to maximize your chances of success.

IMAT Exam Anxiety Tips During The Preparation
IMAT Exam Anxiety Tips During The Preparation

Which Subject Should I Solve First?

Choosing which subject to tackle first on the IMAT exam can be a daunting decision. However, there are some strategies you can employ to help make this decision easier and maximize your chances of success.

Firstly, it’s important to start with the subject that you feel the most comfortable with. This is usually biology, as many pre-med students tend to spend the most time studying it and feel confident in their knowledge of the subject. It’s important to capitalize on this confidence early in the exam by tackling questions related to biology that you know well. This will help to build momentum and confidence, which can be crucial in keeping anxiety and stress at bay throughout the exam.

However, if you’re also good at another subject, such as critical thinking or language skills, you can start there to get a few easy points. Just keep in mind that reading long chunks of text during this early stage of the exam can be confusing if you’re feeling anxious or stressed. So, if you’re not feeling completely confident in your ability to read and understand lengthy texts, it may be best to stick with biology as your starting point.

It’s also important to consider which questions to tackle within your chosen subject. For example, in biology, you should focus on finding keywords related to specific chapters from the syllabus. Once you see a question related to a topic you’re good at, solve it immediately. This will help to build confidence and momentum early in the exam.

It’s crucial to put your ego aside and avoid attempting to solve difficult questions early in the exam. Remember, all questions are worth the same amount of points, regardless of difficulty. Instead, focus on solving the easy questions first and come back to the more challenging ones later if you have time. This will help to ensure that you are maximizing your score potential on the exam.

So, choosing the right subject and questions to tackle first on the IMAT exam can be crucial in building confidence, momentum, and ultimately maximizing your score. Starting with biology, if you feel comfortable with it, and finding questions related to specific chapters from the syllabus can help to make this decision easier. Remember to put your ego aside and focus on solving the easy questions first, even if it means skipping over more challenging ones early in the exam. By employing these strategies, you can increase your chances of success on the IMAT exam.

What then? What should I do?

It’s easy to plan and strategize for the IMAT exam, but it’s important to keep in mind that things can change quickly based on the type of questions you get on the exam. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what you do after the first step of finding the easy questions to solve during the first 20 minutes of the exam, as long as you have taken steps to calm yourself down and build your confidence.

The reality is that you’re going to make mistakes, and you may forget the entire strategy you had planned. Unexpected challenges can arise on the day of the exam, such as difficult questions or feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of the exam. However, if you start the exam by solving the easy questions, you can build momentum and confidence, which can help you to stay calm and focused even if things don’t go according to plan.

After you’ve tackled the first set of easy questions, you’ll be calm enough to get yourself together and find the best approach in real-time to get the most out of the exam. This may involve changing your strategy on the fly based on the questions you encounter or adapting to unexpected challenges that arise.

In summary, while planning and strategizing for the IMAT exam is important, it’s equally important to stay calm and adaptable on the day of the exam. Starting with easy questions can help to build confidence and momentum, which can help you to navigate unexpected challenges and maximize your score on the exam.

here’s a table that breaks down the steps for approaching the IMAT exam in stages, along with expectations and the most important things to do during each stage:

Exam StageTimeframeStrategyExpectationsMost Important Things to Do
1First 20 minutesSolve shorter, very easy questions to build confidence and get into the flow of the exam.Expect to feel excited and stressed.Find the easy questions to solve and stay calm.
2Next 40 minutesFocus on logic and problem-solving questions, as well as a few general knowledge questions.Expect to encounter more challenging questions.Stay focused and adapt your approach as needed.
3Remaining timeGo back to biology and chemistry, and solve the questions you couldn’t answer during the previous stages. Focus on questions you were almost able to solve, as well as any long questions that you skipped. If you have time, you can also try to score some points from math and physics.Expect to encounter difficult questions and unexpected challenges.Stay calm, adapt your approach, and prioritize solving easy questions first.
4Final 10 minutesReview the science section for any last-minute errors and try to solve any logic questions you couldn’t solve earlier.Expect to feel time pressure and a sense of urgency.Stay focused and prioritize reviewing the science section for errors.
approaching the IMAT exam in stages (more details)

By following this breakdown, you can manage your time effectively, approach the IMAT exam with confidence, and stay adaptable in the face of unexpected challenges. Remember to stay calm, focused, and take one step at a time to maximize your chances of success.


Preparing for the IMAT exam can be an intense and stressful experience, especially when it comes to managing your time effectively on the day of the exam. In this article, we’ve shared with you some of the most effective time management strategies and tips to help you make the most of your time on the 2023 IMAT exam. From breaking the exam down into smaller stages and prioritizing easy questions, to adapting your approach in real-time and reviewing the science section in the final minutes of the exam, these techniques can help you approach the IMAT in the right way and maximize your chances of success.

Effective time management is crucial for success on the IMAT exam. By following these tips and strategies, you can manage your time effectively, stay calm and focused, and maximize your score potential on the exam. And if you need further guidance, we offer personalized coaching services on our website to help you develop a more specific strategy tailored to your individual needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out and take your IMAT preparation to the next level.